Saturday, January 31, 2009

God Rocks!

Well, I just spent the night on the edge at the Edge. What a great worship set tonight. The bass was thumping, the rhythm was right on, the vocals were tight and the opportunity to enter into worshipping Jesus was AWEsome. Thanks to Tyler and the crew for a hot time in worship - they really set the stage for Pastor Ryan to drop some Colossians on us -- for real.

How many times do you actually listen the message being delivered and really let it sink in? If you are like me, I am all over the place during the message. I am constantly connecting information presented to what happened to me during the week, the worship songs that we just sang are dancing in my mind, and then I start flipping through the Bible trying to connect the dots. That is me, most of the time in church. Sometimes I think that I suffer from adult ADD, because it doesn't seem like I can focus.

Tonight, the focus for me was so much more than the fact that I owe everything to Jesus, that his grace is sufficient for me and to me, that I am only complete by the fact that he completes me - from start to finish without my help, that I owe him far more than I could ever repay - even though that is not possible and not asked of me...I know that was quite the run-on sentence, but God has been laying some heavy stuff on me of late.

Some say that I am beating myself up over the fact that I know that God wants more from me. Not just for me to say that I want to be more for him, give more back to him, to serve him and others - he really does want and deserves a far greater response from me than I am giving based on the unmerited favor and grace that he has placed on my life. Yup, I know that it was / is a free gift - I am not trying to boast about, just respond to it. I know that I can't earn anything to get it, it is already done. Maybe it is a call that is driving to the core of who I am, but what I do (for pay) and what he wants from me, do not seem to jive.

I thought I might be having a mid-life crisis, but Pastor Ryan thinks I am having a mid-life Christus - which sounds much more fun, but somehow much more scary too. So to sum all of this up -- worship at the edge, great; message by Pastor Ryan, great; following the lead of Jesus, scary; pray for me, thank you.

Stay Strong

Friday, January 30, 2009

Ode to Its A Grind

First, my apologies for the lack of posting this week -- it has been a killer one! Second, did you hear the one about Its A Grind closing down, like tomorrow! What a drag. This place has been home to our "Grind Crew" for over 8 months now and I am totally bummed out. We have had so many great times hanging out here that I am really going to miss it, not to mention that I need to find a new home for our Tuesday Night @ the Grind sessions.

We will still meet at the location, but we will be outside this in the courtyard this week. Bring a jacket, maybe some gloves -- I will bring the coffee to keep us warm.

See you Tuesday night - 6:45pm at the Its A Grind (formerly) courtyard!

Friday, January 23, 2009

What is This All About?

How is love shown? Think for a moment about the devastation of God's heart when He sent His son to die on the cross, knowing there was no other way to bridge the gap between fallen man and Him. His perfect design had taken on so much sin that He had every right to wipe it out and start all over again. He didn't. I know, He is God and He can handle anything. But if we are created in His image, with a heart like His - to feel all emotions, like Jesus did, it must still be difficult for Him to fathom the sacrifice He made for us - and yet we continue in our own sin.

If we could just understand what love is. If we would stop ourselves in the midst of our confusion, frustration, anger, disappointment, bitterness, anger, rage, disillusionment -- in effect "get over ourselves" -- could we realize what love is? Sound too girly for you? Then I think you haven't spent enough time trying to digest who God is and how He could LOVE us so much. It is actually ridiculous.

Some of us want to push it all away. We think that we are not worthy and can never be, but He has made a way for us. He has put that way in our path. If we truly seek Him, He will show us the way and that way is Jesus. We all need to stop running from the fact that Jesus is the Way, Truth and the Life; stop the lip service and get active! Dig a little deeper would you? Put all that "stuff" from life away and sit alone and ponder -- really think and digest God's love.

We have a thirst for knowledge, so most of us dig into God's word for understanding. We want that knowledge of scripture so that we can know more, feel more confident in what God's word says - then we will know how to be that perfect Christian, yah right. If only I spent more time alone with my Bible in my "daily" quiet time, I would be a better man, husband, father, friend, businessperson, relative, etc., etc., etc. We are missing the point.

The way to become more like Christ is to let Him control the change of our hearts. Love is a condition of the heart, not of the mind. It is the fact that love conquers all. It heals all. The example of God putting aside His desire for us to become more like Him through a set of laws and sending Himself, as Jesus, to be our primary focus for life here so that we can have everylasting life with Him -- is astounding. The end result should be that we put ourselves aside and become more like the One who He sent to us. If we are so willing to set everything aside for knowledge of His scripture, but do not let it affect our hearts and mold us into becoming more like Him, we have missed the mark. We need to let go and allow Jesus to take over.

I know, it is very easy to say this stuff and very hard at times to focus on this, but this is what is required of us as believers. We need to allow scripture, the life of Jesus and our prayers to shape us into people who are unselfish - people who would put others before us. We are to be an example as a people (you and me) and a church to the rulers and authorities in the heavely realms of God's manifold wisdom, according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord (my paraphrasing of Eph. 4:10-11). It is hard and we cannot always do what is required of us - I get that, but we need to get over ouselves and get out of the way, because through Christ we can.

If you have received Christ, you have accepted that God sent His son to die, not only for you, but for everyone who still might not believe, as well as our fellow brothers and sisters. In Acts 15:8-9, Peter addressed the Apostles and elders as they met to consider the idea that those who are uncircumcized cannot be saved and said this:

"God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us. He made no distinction between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith."

That includes all those who call on the name of Jesus to be saved, regardless of whether we 'like' them or not. Just because someone doesn't believe the way that I do, or has a slightly different interpretation of scripture than I do, or dresses differently, or has a different income, or better hair, or background or whatever. Jesus died for them too! When we were baptized, we showed an outward symbol of an inward belief to all who would witness our submission, our heart was purified by faith in Jesus. The purification of our heart should provide us with the ability to love...everyone, as Christ loves us. Shoot, sometimes I cannot believe that God loves me, but I know by the grace of Him, who sent His son to die for me - that he has given me an unmeasureable amount of grace.

I believe that the grace given to me demands a response. The only response I believe that it demands is to love Him. However, if I love Him and not anyone else, I have failed. Remember the words of James?

"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be (James 3:10-11 - emphasis mine).

Yes, I struggle with this. Yes, I want to be more like Christ and I am asking that he change this in me. This is real stuff about how a real God, through His real Son that came and died for us ALL, can help this guy continue to learn to love. The love comes when I let Jesus reign and not Rob.

This is what we should be fighting for, this is what real men who are seeking God's heart should be actively pursuing. So when we study scripture and gain all that knowledge about how we can be a better Christian - let the words sink into our heart - so that He can continue to make the change to produce a people worthy of our calling. I am still working on getting over myself, because what I want is really not that important...but what Jesus wants is for me to love.

Stay Strong

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ephesians Chapter 4 Recap

It is so awesome to see God's plan laid out in plain sight for me. I can't tell you how many times that I have read the book of Ephesians, but to study it is a whole "nutha" deal. I used to think the best part of Ephesians was the whole putting on the armor of God aspect. Don't get me wrong that is completely cool, but I am seeing the journey that we must take to get to that point - for the first time.

In Chapter 4, Paul shows us how God made provision for those in the church to live and work together in unity and to grow together into maturity. This is about us -- you and me! We need to grow into maturity together.

Ephesians is more like a journey. A walk through some sort of purification process so that we, as believers in Christ, can be ready to put on the full armor of God. We can't just walk up and put it on -- we must be ready. Are you ready? Sometimes I believe that I am, but if I am honest with myself as well as with those who really know (as God does)me, I am not sure that I am. I do know one thing - I will be obedient.

Get this, Paul helps us out by defining how we can become mature in our walk with Christ. It's really pretty simple, we just need to:
  • stop stealing and work
  • stop our unwholesome talk
  • get rid of our bitterness, rage, anger, slander & every form of malice
  • be kind to one another
  • forgive each other as in Christ, God forgave us

Not that hard now is it?

Later, I've got some work to do!

Stay Strong

Sunday, January 18, 2009

crash and burn part deaux

So your computer probably has a lot of cool stuff on it doesn't it? Stuff from way back when to now depending on how old it is. Well, my trusty Gateway, circa 2006, had plenty on it. Found out today from a variety of sources that there is an 80% chance that it is all gone! What in the world is a "harddrive" good for if it cannot withstand whatever happened to mine?

From tech support geeks to customer service help from some other middle eastern country - can no one save my computer? Apparently not! Gotta go buy a new harddrive and some external application to see if I can save anything from the current harddrive, but I must wait for the recovery CD that I had to order to install on the new HD -- probably 2 weeks away.

Isn't it amazing how dependent we have become on technology. My whole daily routine is out of whack now!
I couldn't resist this one, but didn't want to pay for it!
Stay strong my brothers!
See you Tuesday Night at the Grind for Ephesians Chapter 4...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

crashed it and want to light it on fire so it will burn...

Never had this happen to me I have. I went to check my email this morning and found my laptop had performed an automatic update and during the reboot process - sometime in the middle of the night most likely - crashed! So that is me using my universal tool to "fix" it. Sweet shoes, I know!

So as I sit here at about 10pm using my old Sony Vaio, circa 2004, seething from the fact that I cannot find my computer guide to restart my gateway from some other dimension in time (recovery system something or other feature), I am still fired up about The Edge tonight!

Take what we talked about in Ephesians 3 - drop in some Colossians and a great message from Pastor John - and God is really speaking to me about how our lives should reflect that fact that we should be tapping in to how wide & deep & high & long is his love! We, as his church, should be standing tall and reaching out and taking a stand for his purposes. When God looks at us - he is looking down at a part of his body, an arm or a leg or hand or foot, perhaps! What a great illustration John made tonight.

The other thing that has been bothering me of late is the fact that we (all of us) celebrate to extreme, at times, when something great happens to us or when we are watching our favorite sports team. What kind of reaction do you have when your team scores a touchdown, your favorite baseball player gets a game winning hit or the reliever strikes out the side for the save? How much more should we be celebrating every single day that we know that the heavenly host the God of Abraham and Isaac and David and Jesus - has saved us from eternal damnation? Can I get an AMEN or at least a WHAT WHAT? I mean we have already won the lottery.

Staying in the pocket of his presence my friends...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Friendship, Vanilla Mocha & Jesus

Today I had a cup of coffee with a friend. Well more that just a friend, a guy that I was in ministry with, worshipped and prayed with and ultimately created a lasting relationship with. You know that friend that you have that you may not have spoken to in a while or a long while but when you get together it is like you never were apart? That's this guy.

Thanks for the coffee buddy, the next one is on me.

We got to talking about what is going on in our lives, the ministry that we are involved in and the relationship that we are continually trying to develop with Christ and realized that the greatness of Christ, in terms of us understanding the full measure of how wide & deep & long & high his love for us is - is lost on us most of the time. Why are we so pitiful? I do not know, but am so thankful that this week focused on Ephesians Chapter 3!

Eric was sharing with me a time when he was searching for a mentor, which led him to a past church and a great discipleship program that a section of focused on Mark Chapter 4 - the parable of the sower. What struck him and the point that he made to me during our time together was not the parable portion of it, but the point that Jesus makes in verses that follow.

First read Mark 4:1-9 --> then check out verses 11 & 12 that is the key...
Jesus says:
"He told them, "The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, 'they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!'"

Are we be casting out our net so wide that we are wasting the seed that God has given us to plant? Do farmers cast seeds where they know that crops will not grow? Are we reaching the saved or the lost? What is our purpose as Christians, as a study group, as a church? Are you doing enough? These are tough questions that take some time to think about, but need to be noodled.

...And I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide & long & high & deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
(Eph. 3:17-19)

You can catch the link to Eric's blog

Friday, January 9, 2009

Recap Ephesians 2

I think that this logo is an awesome depiction of our lives in Christ. We should be walking down the road, humbly standing at the foot of the cross - daily. Quite a humbling experience isn't it? Hard to stand humbly at times (or most times), for me I think that IS the humbling part!

In Ephesians Chapter 1, Paul outlines the great purposes and plan of God for us culminating in the universal leadership / headship of Christ. Chapter 2 tells us the steps by which God will accomplish his purposes -- beginning with Salvation and the joining / reconciling of Jews and Gentiles to Him, to each other and to his church.

A few things that jumped off the pages at me: (1) the description of my past moral / spiritual condition before I came Christ (2:1-3), displaying my old nature; the great love and mercy that God has shown / shows me through Jesus Christ (2:4-5); and the riches and grace expressed in his ever-loving kindness to me (us) through Christ Jesus (2:6-7).

To think, believe and know that I am raised up with Christ and seated in the heavenly realms is a real mind meld - God is good, all the time!

Join us next week on Tuesday, Jan 13, 6:45pm at the Grind, for Chapter 3.

Stay Strong

Friday, January 2, 2009

What a Way to Start the Year!

Yesterday morning, the Johnson clan packed four bikes into the Sienna and hit the road - destination: Santa Rosa Plateau.

Couldn't have been a more beautiful day... the Sun was shining, sky was clear and bright, and we had a great time just being together. We rode for about 45 minutes and though we only traveled some 3 miles, we were lost in our own world for the morning.

These are the memories that I will have burned into my brain. When I am in the work place, all stressed out trying to remember why in the world I do what I do. I remember these times.

I am so blessed that God has provided me with one of the best families I could have ever asked for. Sometimes, I cannot believe how blessed I am. I have my best friend for a wife and two awesome kids. I do not know why God has blessed me so much, but I aim to keep it going!

Taking time to stop and smell the Plateau and hang out with the family is exactly what I needed. So thankful for this time and starting the New Year off in a good way!

Stay Strong

Gospel According to Oprah Winfrey...

I know many people love this woman. She is considered a megastar, a philanthropist, and someone who cares about people as attested to her foundation and school in Africa. The bottom line for me is when people start spewing lies about Jesus. Has she completely lost it...what is it to gain the whole world and yet lose your own soul?

The Gospel According To Oprah Winfrey: Jesus Did Not Come To Die On The Cross...have you seen what Oprah Winfrey said on her television show NOW?:

On one of her recent shows, Oprah Winfrey, who claims to be a "Christian", actually said that Jesus did not come to die on the cross. People like Oprah are totally laying the groundwork for the coming one world religion. After all, if there is no "sin", no "salvation", no "heaven", no "hell, and Jesus didn't come to die on the cross, then you can define "Christianity" any way you want and it can easily be merged with other relgions.

Other postings regarding Oprah Winfrey's false claims:

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Ephesians 1 Recap

It is so great to get into the word. As good as companion pieces are there is nothing like digging straight down into God's word and allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal His message to you. That is exactly what we are striving to do for this Ephesians study.

Ephesians = circular letter from Paul most likely intended for a greater audience.

-->Grace appears 12x and Peace 8x throughout this letter

-->Ephesus was a most important city during this time, located in W. Asia Minor (now Turkey)

-->Its harbor opened to the Cayster River, which emptied into the Aegean Sea -- the harbor does not exist any longer

-->This harbor area made Ephesus a major player is the trade route and helped it become a ginormous commercial center

-->Paul had spent 3 years in ministry in Ephesus previously

-->This letter, unlike his others, does not address any particular heresy or error that the church needs to hear about. Paul wrote this to expand the horizons of readers so that they might better understand the dimensions of God's eternal purpose and grace and come to appreciate the high goals God has for the church -- something we need to hear!

Thanks for a great kickoff to this study guys, I look forward to next week when we tackle Chapter 2!

Stay strong