Sunday, August 31, 2008

Tuesday Night Grind

This group meets on Tuesday Nights at 6:45pm at It's A Grind in Murrieta. We are currently completing the book of Proverbs and will be talking about Chapters 21 - 25 this week.

For those of you wondering what in the world we got going on Tuesday nights, the rules of engagement are below:

  • No one is the expert, we all are allowed to say not so smart things. Bring your bible so that we can all back each other up.
  • Man Code Issues: any issues related to a person's personal life situation that does not leave the group and is not shared outside the group. This is enforced by repeatedly yelling "MAN CODE" in a hushed tone.
  • Friend Finding: didn't want to use relationship, because that scares men away.
  • Faith Building: iron sharpens iron, we are not always iron, but we do sharpen each other.
  • Prayer Time: We open and close in prayer and take prayer requests for the week.
  • Bible Study: This time is really built on what God lays on our hearts to discuss. Its light, casual, friendly (see first bullet point). One of the best times we had was in Colossians during the Forgiveness portion of the study... I still think we haven't finished that one yet.

In Paul's letter to the Romans, he wrote..."I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong - that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith." (Romans 1:11-12, NKJV) ... that is really what we do. Discuss biblical stuff so that we can be mutually encouraged.

We all have something to bring to the table to share to encourage each other in this thing called life. Come on and try us out.

Feel free to email me at or contact me at 951.830.2518.

Rob Johnson

Father - Son Olympics = Great Time

Dillon and I hit the 2nd Olympiad Games yesterday and had a great
time. So good to see so many guys out with their kids! Bob Gideon
has partnered with All Pro Dads to put on some really fun events over the past
two years - if you missed this one, the Father/Daughter Event is coming in

One of the best parts, besides the pentathalon, was the message short but important message that Steve Solarzano (sp?) touched on --- what legacy are we leaving our boys/kids? That really hit home for me. It got me thinking about the following:
  • How do I react when things don't go so well?
  • How am I modeling how to treat women (in my interactions with my wife)?
  • Is money important to me?
  • Do my kids "catch me" reading/studying my bible?
  • Am I spending enough time praying with them and teaching them about Jesus?

Phew...I know that I need to do a much better job in this area. Thankfully, God knows all the more and will be by my side to remind me to not wait for "teachable moments", but to model 24/7.

"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." Galations 6:9-10 (ESV)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Are You Cornfused?

Hey Guys,

We are working on our PM Study right now, going through Proverbs 5 chapters each week. It is amazing what God's Word can point out in our lives. We talked this past week about how easy it is to see where OTHERS need correction, but how difficult it is to swallow some of those things that you know God is directing at you.

We will be meeting one more time on Wednesday night (8/27/08) at 7pm at the Church in the Joshua Room (right across from the Youth Room) and then we are moving back to Tuesday nights, 6:45pm, @ It's A Grind (Village Walk Shopping Center - off Jefferson/Kalmia) starting on (Tuesday, 9/2/08). If you want more info feel free to email me at

Upcoming information will be posted when the AM group gets rolling again too.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Hey Guys,

Check it out a man-code area just for us. Of course, I would not put anything that has been added to the "man-code" here, because it is not protected! I thought we needed a spot to share some stuff, talk about other stuff, put some stuff and such...well here it is.

I hope that Pastor John will allow us to put a link to this blogspot to the Lambs webpage, but if not we will just have to make it word of mouth. You can send me email to my man-code address at

for posting or information that you would like to share.

First things first, this is first and foremost to be a site for all men of The Lamb's Fellowship. This is a spot where we can communicate between different groups and different leaders. Right now, we have two bible studies:
  • Tuesdays, 6:30 am -- meets at church
  • Tuesdays, 7:00pm -- this group moved for the Jr. High Program & now meets for the time being on Wednesdays at 7:00pm at the Church

We do want our Tuesday night group back, so we most likely will be moving back to Tuesdays, just need to find a suitable location.

I would like to post pix with names of the guys who attend each bible study, because I think it is important that we start saying hello to each other to stay connected. We are all part of the same church and often times feel disconnected or forget each others' names due to our two service times and two bible study times.

The Tuesday AM study is lead by the Men's Ministry Leader, Kerry Holmes ( and our current Wednesday PM facilitator is Gregg Fosgett/Rob Johnson.

The Tuesday AM group is about to kick off again and the Wednesday PM will be following with the same study, so if you can't make the mornings come join us at night. The PM group is currently working its way through the book of Proverbs with the following schedule in place:

  • 8/20/08 Read Proverbs 11-15 and be ready to discuss anything that you find that you would like to share
  • 8/28/08 Read Proverbs 16 - 20
  • 9/4/08 Read Proverbs 21 - 25
  • 9/11/08 Read Proverbs 26 - 30

If the AM group kicks off a new study, the PM group will put aside finishing Proverbs and jump right in.

Stay Strong (Gal 6:9-10)
