Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Recap Chapter 10 or was it?

You know our group is pretty awesome. Each time God brings another brother to our group we are so excited. This week, we were blessed with two first timers - we hope that we didn't scare them off too bad!

The focus of the lesson this week was on Emancipation or more likely freedom in Christ. Most of the time we were focused on what derails us -- hoping to find solutions on how to get back on track....where is that huge crane to put the train cars back on the track? When will it be here? Most importantly is God driving it?

We took a sidebar or should I say - we went sideways talking about some conspiracy theories. We shared a few things from internet theory to biblical revelation. What a great discussion. As some of you know, I love a good conspiracy theory. In fact, I have spent many sleepless nigths on the infoweb hunting down answers, biblical answers, to some of the most entertaining ideas (well to me anyway...).

What am I really looking for? Why do I spend so much time on this stuff? Is this really what God wants from me? Why am I not taking that same passion and applying it to reading and studying the Bible? Well, there it is. I figured out that this was another way that I was avoiding the true source of all knowledge! Theories, conspiracy or not, are just that, but by researching the source of all truth I can know what God has in store for me. And, it is much bigger and better than any conspiracy because ----MY GOD IS BIGGER!

Have a great thanksgiving brothers.

Stay Strong

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Huge Response!

Well, you asked for it! We got such a huge response for an additional men's group through the web -- it was unbelievable. Two people actually responded - 1 for Thursday night and 1 for Sat AM's. Looks like we might have to go and do some more marketing before kicking off another cell. I will most likely be putting something in an upcoming bulletin, so that those that respond can be contacted. We'll use that and see what happens.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Listen here Brother...

This is your forum and we need your feedback, brother(s). I know that you will initially have to get a gmail account, but feedback on this site has been WEAK! Please feel free to send questions, answers, winning lottery numbers, etc. to or just post a response and start a conversation man.

Repeat after me: I do have good ideas, I am valuable to the men's ministry, I would like to have a group to belong too, I know that Rob is really cool -- hey thanks for the last one! Right back at you.

I am going on a limb and praying about starting a new video series starring Louie Giglio (founder of the Passion movement). You can see some of his stuff at

and check out one of his teaching videos on youtube at

I have a tentative start date of Saturday, December 6, 2008 at 6:30 am. Pray for God to come in power and might and make this happen. The first series is on worship and is so powerful that you will be amazed at God's love for us!

Pray with me...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Got Man Card?

Hey Guys,
It was great to hand out Man Cards on Sat Night and Sunday. I got to talk with a lot of men who want to be part of the men's ministry at Lamb's. I think I handed out about 150 Man Cards total! A few good suggestions came up and I will be putting that information together for Kerry Holmes, Men's Ministry Leader, so that we can discuss how to MULTIPLY!
Many of the guys I talked to either told me that they had thought about coming to one of the Tuesday studies but really didn't know how to get involved in them. This tells me that we are doing a sorry job of inviting men to our get togethers. Remember how you got involved? Most likely someone invited you. I know that some of you are able to show up on your own, but for most people, we show up when we are invited. Some of the guys I talked to didn't realize that we had bible studies or get togethers...
Remember --- two times currently on Tuesdays to get involved, 6:30 am at the Church (Kerry Holmes --> or 6:45 pm at Its A Grind Murrieta Village Walk Shopping Center, Kalmia/I-15 (Rob Johnson -->

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Amazing Race -- Amazing Message

At the Amazing Race today, McKenna and I had a great time with Team 6. We came up a little short on winning the event but all of us had a great time. Probably the best part was the first clue. It said something like "find the flag in the dirt area" and we all went running all over the various dirt areas of the church grounds. We were all hustling and running like mad to cover the entire "dirt area". We finally realized the flag that we were looking for was on the playground. Too funny, because that is where the first clue was! We were so far behind that the judges gave us a good 5 minute score and we moved on to the next challenge.

One of the most fun challenges was to make a Marshmellow Eiffel Tower using toothpicks and marshmellows. I think we had the best time of the day on this one.

Of course, the day would not be complete without an outstanding message by Monty Sharp. He talked about the need for us as men and parents of girls that we needed to think about the word hurt and make it a positive opportunity to grow together with our daughters. H.U.R.T. is about honesty, unselfishness, respect and truth and was a great way to end the day.

A big thanks from this dad / daughter team for a great time of fun, entertainment and bonding. Thanks to Bob and Kristi Gideon and the team from All Pro Dad's. We always have a great time at these events -- you should make them a priority with your family. Next up -- something for Valentine's Day.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Wasting No Time ...

Activist: 'Pastor to presidents' replaced by gay bishop
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 11/12/2008 6:50:00 AM

A conservative Christian activist says it's a sad omen for the Obama administration and the United States that Barack Obama has been seeking guidance from the Episcopal Church's first openly homosexual bishop.

The Times of London reports that the president-elect sought out New Hampshire homosexual bishop Vicki Gene Robinson for advice three times during his presidential campaign. Robinson, whose ordination in the Episcopal Church has caused a deep rift within the Anglican Communion, was reportedly sought out by Obama to discuss what it feels like to be "first." Robinson notes in their three private conversations, Obama voiced his support for "equal civil rights" for homosexuals and described the election as a "religious experience."

Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, believes Obama's consultations with Robinson show the true tenor of his upcoming administration. "It looks like Billy Graham has been replaced by a gay bishop. We're moving to, perhaps, our first anti-Christian president; it's beyond post-Christian. Gene Robinson advocates homosexuality as part of the Christian experience," he explains. "Now Bible-believing Christians cannot accept that. Homosexual practice is sinful, as taught by the scriptures. This man [Obama] pretends to be faithful to Christianity, even as he works very hard to undermine it." LaBarbera suggests Robinson may possibly replace Jeremiah Wright as one of Obama's main spiritual advisers. Wright was Obama's Chicago pastor for 20 years before disassociating with the controversial preacher during the presidential campaign.

Stay Strong my friends,

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Amazing Race

Alright! Another Father/kid event...let me just tell you how pumped I am to be competing with McKenna this weekend. Dillon and I practically won the olympics, so this should be another crowning achievement for the Johnson's this coming weekend.

Just a few words to share regarding this whole All Pro Dad thang... it is quite seriously one of the best things to be involved in. Bob Gideon and his crew are genius when coming up with these events. These are serious fun and in the grand scheme of things - two hours spent together is making a lifetime of memories for me and my kids. Bring a friend and his daughter(s) too ... you'll be glad you did.

I hope that you come on out with your daughter or daughters and be blessed. Monty will not disappoint either...

Stay Strong

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Great Message

Thank you for the strong, encouraging message on Sat/Sun Brother Monty! I love it when men stand for Christ and boldly proclaim what is what!

Two things to vote for in this election:

1. sanctity of life

2. protection of marriage

Makes it all pretty simple. Remember your vote counts in heaven brothers...
Stay Strong
Gal 6:9-10

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fall Back to Standard Time - Tonight!

Daylight Savings time will NOT affect Saturday night service, but it WILL effect Sunday morning! Don’t forget to ‘fall back’ an turn back your clock an hour this Saturday night when you go to bed!
You will get an extra hour to sleep in my friends. Use that time wisely as you will lose that hour in the spring again.

Get fired up for The Edge tonight at 6pm at Lamb's, sleep in a little longer and then hit one of the 3 unbelievable options for worship tomorrow: 8:00 am (classic), 9:15 am & 11:00 am (Lamb's Regular).