Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ephesians It Is

Sometimes we think a study will be great for a particular group. Then, when it is all ready to go something just doesn't seem to fit. This is what happened with the Leaning into a Hail of Bullets Study that the Tuesday Night Grind Crew was about to embark on. It seemed like each section was calling out to us. Like we needed this study to dig deeper into what God is calling us to be.

After praying about it and considering how this study might not get us deeper into God's Word, I shared with the guys that it just didn't feel right. I believe that our group of men need to be grounded in God's Word, not some book that might dabble in a few bible verses here and there.

With much discussion and allowing everyone to be heard, we decided to scrap that study and get back to a bible based study. We will be jumping head first into Ephesians and using the Bible and the Holy Spirit as our main guide. We will be taking a chapter per week, pre-reading it and coming ready to discuss God's Word, His plan for our life in Christ and how to apply it into our daily lives.

I am so excited about this study - you do not even know! Please come ready to discuss Chapter 1 of Ephesians with us on Tuesday, December 30th (6:45pm) at Its A Grind in Murrieta. Email me ( for more information.

Stay Strong

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

One of the Best Days Ever

Last Sunday we spent some time in Julian in the snow. It couldn't have been much of a better day. With clear blue sky and the sun shining on us at about 50 degrees, the snow never felt better. As we made our way through William Heise Park, we came to a dead end. The snow had completely covered the roads through the back end of the campground so they were closed. We were the first to arrive at this spot and quickly parked, unloaded and made a sloping downhill run of about 50 yards. With a few two person rubberized sleds, a plastic sled and a snowboard, we enjoyed the spot all to ourselves for about an hour until the next group arrived.

We started discussing how we might survive if we were to get stuck out here and immediately thought of Bear Grylls. I decided to try my luck at building an igloo...and with a really good snowpack going was able to create this little bad boy...not bad for a novice!

We also came across this guy that some other group had built and immediately acted like he was ours. Isn't it funny how adopt stuff as ours so quickly. This was very well done, must have been soe East Coasters, cause this guy was built to last ... or so they hoped. He actually didn't make it through the day. Dillon and I decided that tackling him like a crushing blow from a few Charger lineman or linebackers will put on poor Jay Cutler this weekend - seemed like more fun. So the snowman turned into a tacking dummy...and let's just say he didn't take it very well.
We also got a few chances on the snowboard. I took the bindings off so it was little slippery, but we had a great time. I hope that you all get a chance to get to the snow for your own snow day. It sure is nice to enjoy and then come back home to beautiful weather and get warm.
Merry Christmas from the face planter!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Are you...

Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.
(Psalm 1:1-3, NIV)

How 'bout them apples? Is the blessedness of God not awe-inspiring enough for us to get all fired up about? What is going on with us? How soon we forget how blessed we are! Stay in the pocket of His presence my friends and be encouraged by how blessed we are to be called to a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Galatians RECAP

Thanks for another great night guys! It is so awesome to have a group like this, where men can meet together and openly discuss our desires to walk with Christ. He has provided all that we can ever need. His example to us of how we should be living in this world without being of this world should have priority in all that we do. I pray (for me and you) that we would continue to hold Paul's message to the Galatians tightly -- that nothing else needs to be added to the Gospel. As Chapter 5 tells us "it is for freedom that Christ has set us free". With that simple statement from verse one, Paul goes on to remind us that we should "Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery". I pray that this will be true for us daily.

Let's continue to seek after Him as our only example and pray for one another daily to be built into His image and that He will be our stength.

Most of you have seen that I sign off with "stay strong", which I attribute to one of my favorite verses - Galations 6:9-10. "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

The Tuesday night group will be embarking on a new study, one which will challenge who we are as men versus who we should be in Christ. It will test our ability to see how little compromises against His will put us in harm's way. I am really excited about growing closer to Christ through this study, not only in my daily walk with Him, but in my relationship with my brothers, family and with those who need to here the Gospel according to Him.

Leaning into a Hail of Bullets will showcase a few of the temptations that we face as men in our daily lives. We will be taking on challenging subjects that threaten our jobs, marriages / relationships, and family. If you have ever been stopped in your tracks by one of these thoughts: If I change just one number on my tax return...the hotel bill doesn't list movies by name...if she keeps looking at me like that... -- you need to join us!

Tuesday night is for getting real. The atmosphere is open to share or not, the guys are real guys, with real struggles, in real situations. We come together to provide a secure environment to challenge each other, to encourage one another and to pray for each other.

Stay Stong, my brothers.

you can find more information about the study here:

Quick Bio
A freelance writer with three decades in youth ministry, Tim McLaughlin has his hands in many cool projects a as contributor, co-author or author: ~ Creative Bible Lessons in Galatians & Philippians (Youth Specialties) ~ The student devotional Fed Up (Transit/Thomas Nelson)~ Most of the books in the Real-Life Stuff for Men series (NavPress)~ Contributor, Mission: Africa (Thomas Nelson).

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Like some of you, I am hooked on The Office. It is a zany comedy on CBS that focuses on a small paper company, Dunder-Mifflin, and the staff of one Regional Manager, Michael Scott. The show cracks me up, not because it is just flat out funny to me, but I can see many parallels to the office that I work in.

I did however start noticing some rips on Christianity. And, as subtle as the are attempting to be - it is really starting to bother me. Each episode has a multitude of story lines and things that go on during the day with different characters. The past few weeks has focused on a storyline between a supposed Christian character (Angela), who is engaged to be married to one person (Andy), while have an affair with another (Dwight).

If that is not bad enough, the office Christmas party is set to an Arabian Nights theme and Phyllis, the party chairperson, walks around the office and has Angela take down all the decorations that do not match the theme. The first to go is Angela's nativity scene that is on her desk. Phyllis says that she can keep a few camels, one of the wiseman and then shoves the rest of it in a drawer of Angela's desk. Angela's response in one of anger at the fact that Baby Jesus was tossed into a desk. So, she is more angry at the fact that Phyllis threw a wooden baby Jesus into a desk drawer than her own sin of having an affair.

These are chips at Christianity. It is ok to be a Christian and have an affair, but don't mess with my nativity scene! I know it is just a show, but the portrayal of "the Christian" continues to be one of great hypocrisy. This episode just struck me for some reason and I started seeing all the shots taken on Christianity. So, Christians are not different or called to be set apart, we just wallow in the same garbage as everyone else AND have a chip on our shoulder that we are saved...that was the message that I received.

We need to stop fooling ourselves that God can be lead around. He is not something that we can control. He is the creator and Savior! For while we are yet sinners, Christ died for us.

What's Your Hidden Immunity Idol?

I am big fan of Survivor. I love watching people try and outwit, outplay and outlast each other. This week's episode featured many different strategies and themes that really hooked me in. It also go me thinking about some hidden immunity idols that I play on a day to day basis in my job and in my life. Most importantly, it got me thinking about how important it is to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Not just an understanding of who He is and what He did for me, but a real relationship with Him - based on love.

In the workings of the NOBAG tribe, one dude, Kenny, claims to be directing the game. This reminds me how often I believe that I am directing my own game. I control this or that and only I can get me, or us, out of whatever jam we are in. Then something else happens, something completely out of my control, and I am stymied by the fact that I cannot control it. Kenny realized this week, as another player, Sugar, gave up her immunity idol to Matty and completely changed Kenny's game - for the worse. Does Kenny have a hidden immunity idol to change the game back in his favor? No. Do we? Yes.

Unfortunatley for me, I often play Jesus as a hidden immunity idol - instead of using Him first, I use my own, often frustrating ways, to solve complex issues that sometimes do not work out for the best. Then, I remember that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".
We should be wearing our immunity idol, JESUS, out in the open and sharing it with all who we come in contact. This is a struggle for most of us because the world demands that we act according to it and that we are our own best savior. I am continually switching my mindset to rely on Christ and not of my own good works, lest I can boast.

Stay Strong

Friday, December 5, 2008

Pancakes & Bowling = Good Times

Hope you are getting up tomorrow morning bright and squirrely (sp?) to hang out with those guys at Lambs at the Men's Breakfast ... should be full of good time hanging out, eating and listening to Steve Soloman break it down for us.

If you see this guy -->

sitting next to you, I would have to advise you to run. I do not have a clue who he is and by the looks of things, he would like nothing more than to hang out in his london calling shirt, sipping coffee and eating these huge pancakes all day. Well, now that I think about it that is not a bad call, its a tough call, but not a bad call!

The tough part of that call (hanging out eating pancakes in your london calling shirt and sipping coffee all day) is that there is more to Saturday than the men's breakfast. What more could there be?

How about a little bowling with the family after those hotcakes and hot topics? Come out and support the youth by sliding over to Cal Oaks Bowling Center between 9am - 11am and grab a lane or two. I believe it is a whopping $5 per person for two hours of bowling and ALL proceeds go to the youth programs at Lamb's.

Not too much better representation of the ultimate bowling team, than the W's...Roy Munsen and Ernie McCracken beware.

Stay strong

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How Are You Living Out Your Faith?

To live out your faith requires sacrifice. It’s the sacrifice of time, wealth, self-indulgence, and safety. Charles Swindoll sums it up well.

The world needs men:

who cannot be bought;

whose word is their bond;

who put character above wealth;

who possess opinions and a will;

who are larger than their vocations;

who do not hesitate to take chances;

who will not lose their individuality in a crowd;

who will be as honest in small things as in great things;

who will make no compromise with wrong;

whose ambitions are not confined to their own selfish desires;

who will not say they do it “because everybody else does it”;

who are true to their friends through good report and evil report, in adversity as well as in prosperity;

who do not believe that shrewdness, cunning, and hardheadedness are the best qualities for winning success;

who are not ashamed or afraid to stand for the truth when it is unpopular;

who can say “no” with emphasis, although all the rest of the world says “yes.”

Man up, stay strong and live in the pocket of His presence...

What's in Your Relationship?

Great message by Pastor Ryan this past weekend. Has me thinking a lot about the state of my relationship and those around me. Not just my own, but those of the people I work with and also those of us at Lambs. The reason the message hit home for me, is that I believe strongly in what he said. The three things that are NOT present in unhealthy relationships:
  • GRACE: do you give your wife enough grace? Yeah, you were at work all day, but she was most likely at her own job and then did about 85% around the house and took/takes care of the kids most of the time. How many times have you said thank you? Do you think that all the stuff you see cleaned up, put away and prepared was done by itself?
  • TRUTH: this does not mean being brutally honest in a way that tears someone down. This means are you who you say you are? Are you living a lifestyle of truth or are you just showing outward stuff so that people think you are something that you are not? Who are you? Are you living a Christ-like walk?
  • HUMILITY: do you admit when you make mistakes? do you have a really good picture of yourself? Have you ever taken a step back and seen yourself through someone else's eyes? We need to get over ourselves - we are not that great. Putting our spouse and children before us is what is required to be a loving and caring person, you know the Spiritual Leader of the household -- have you done that lately? or ever?

Strong words, I Know, but sometimes it is these messages that we receive loud and clear that help continue to give us perspective, God's perspective, on how we should be living. I challenge and encourage you to make a change today in one of these areas and discuss it with your spouse. They can really help get us back on track. I know that I need a dose of all three!

Stay Strong

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Recap Chapter 10 or was it?

You know our group is pretty awesome. Each time God brings another brother to our group we are so excited. This week, we were blessed with two first timers - we hope that we didn't scare them off too bad!

The focus of the lesson this week was on Emancipation or more likely freedom in Christ. Most of the time we were focused on what derails us -- hoping to find solutions on how to get back on track....where is that huge crane to put the train cars back on the track? When will it be here? Most importantly is God driving it?

We took a sidebar or should I say - we went sideways talking about some conspiracy theories. We shared a few things from internet theory to biblical revelation. What a great discussion. As some of you know, I love a good conspiracy theory. In fact, I have spent many sleepless nigths on the infoweb hunting down answers, biblical answers, to some of the most entertaining ideas (well to me anyway...).

What am I really looking for? Why do I spend so much time on this stuff? Is this really what God wants from me? Why am I not taking that same passion and applying it to reading and studying the Bible? Well, there it is. I figured out that this was another way that I was avoiding the true source of all knowledge! Theories, conspiracy or not, are just that, but by researching the source of all truth I can know what God has in store for me. And, it is much bigger and better than any conspiracy because ----MY GOD IS BIGGER!

Have a great thanksgiving brothers.

Stay Strong

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Huge Response!

Well, you asked for it! We got such a huge response for an additional men's group through the web -- it was unbelievable. Two people actually responded - 1 for Thursday night and 1 for Sat AM's. Looks like we might have to go and do some more marketing before kicking off another cell. I will most likely be putting something in an upcoming bulletin, so that those that respond can be contacted. We'll use that and see what happens.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Listen here Brother...

This is your forum and we need your feedback, brother(s). I know that you will initially have to get a gmail account, but feedback on this site has been WEAK! Please feel free to send questions, answers, winning lottery numbers, etc. to or just post a response and start a conversation man.

Repeat after me: I do have good ideas, I am valuable to the men's ministry, I would like to have a group to belong too, I know that Rob is really cool -- hey thanks for the last one! Right back at you.

I am going on a limb and praying about starting a new video series starring Louie Giglio (founder of the Passion movement). You can see some of his stuff at

and check out one of his teaching videos on youtube at

I have a tentative start date of Saturday, December 6, 2008 at 6:30 am. Pray for God to come in power and might and make this happen. The first series is on worship and is so powerful that you will be amazed at God's love for us!

Pray with me...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Got Man Card?

Hey Guys,
It was great to hand out Man Cards on Sat Night and Sunday. I got to talk with a lot of men who want to be part of the men's ministry at Lamb's. I think I handed out about 150 Man Cards total! A few good suggestions came up and I will be putting that information together for Kerry Holmes, Men's Ministry Leader, so that we can discuss how to MULTIPLY!
Many of the guys I talked to either told me that they had thought about coming to one of the Tuesday studies but really didn't know how to get involved in them. This tells me that we are doing a sorry job of inviting men to our get togethers. Remember how you got involved? Most likely someone invited you. I know that some of you are able to show up on your own, but for most people, we show up when we are invited. Some of the guys I talked to didn't realize that we had bible studies or get togethers...
Remember --- two times currently on Tuesdays to get involved, 6:30 am at the Church (Kerry Holmes --> or 6:45 pm at Its A Grind Murrieta Village Walk Shopping Center, Kalmia/I-15 (Rob Johnson -->

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Amazing Race -- Amazing Message

At the Amazing Race today, McKenna and I had a great time with Team 6. We came up a little short on winning the event but all of us had a great time. Probably the best part was the first clue. It said something like "find the flag in the dirt area" and we all went running all over the various dirt areas of the church grounds. We were all hustling and running like mad to cover the entire "dirt area". We finally realized the flag that we were looking for was on the playground. Too funny, because that is where the first clue was! We were so far behind that the judges gave us a good 5 minute score and we moved on to the next challenge.

One of the most fun challenges was to make a Marshmellow Eiffel Tower using toothpicks and marshmellows. I think we had the best time of the day on this one.

Of course, the day would not be complete without an outstanding message by Monty Sharp. He talked about the need for us as men and parents of girls that we needed to think about the word hurt and make it a positive opportunity to grow together with our daughters. H.U.R.T. is about honesty, unselfishness, respect and truth and was a great way to end the day.

A big thanks from this dad / daughter team for a great time of fun, entertainment and bonding. Thanks to Bob and Kristi Gideon and the team from All Pro Dad's. We always have a great time at these events -- you should make them a priority with your family. Next up -- something for Valentine's Day.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Wasting No Time ...

Activist: 'Pastor to presidents' replaced by gay bishop
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 11/12/2008 6:50:00 AM

A conservative Christian activist says it's a sad omen for the Obama administration and the United States that Barack Obama has been seeking guidance from the Episcopal Church's first openly homosexual bishop.

The Times of London reports that the president-elect sought out New Hampshire homosexual bishop Vicki Gene Robinson for advice three times during his presidential campaign. Robinson, whose ordination in the Episcopal Church has caused a deep rift within the Anglican Communion, was reportedly sought out by Obama to discuss what it feels like to be "first." Robinson notes in their three private conversations, Obama voiced his support for "equal civil rights" for homosexuals and described the election as a "religious experience."

Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, believes Obama's consultations with Robinson show the true tenor of his upcoming administration. "It looks like Billy Graham has been replaced by a gay bishop. We're moving to, perhaps, our first anti-Christian president; it's beyond post-Christian. Gene Robinson advocates homosexuality as part of the Christian experience," he explains. "Now Bible-believing Christians cannot accept that. Homosexual practice is sinful, as taught by the scriptures. This man [Obama] pretends to be faithful to Christianity, even as he works very hard to undermine it." LaBarbera suggests Robinson may possibly replace Jeremiah Wright as one of Obama's main spiritual advisers. Wright was Obama's Chicago pastor for 20 years before disassociating with the controversial preacher during the presidential campaign.

Stay Strong my friends,

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Amazing Race

Alright! Another Father/kid event...let me just tell you how pumped I am to be competing with McKenna this weekend. Dillon and I practically won the olympics, so this should be another crowning achievement for the Johnson's this coming weekend.

Just a few words to share regarding this whole All Pro Dad thang... it is quite seriously one of the best things to be involved in. Bob Gideon and his crew are genius when coming up with these events. These are serious fun and in the grand scheme of things - two hours spent together is making a lifetime of memories for me and my kids. Bring a friend and his daughter(s) too ... you'll be glad you did.

I hope that you come on out with your daughter or daughters and be blessed. Monty will not disappoint either...

Stay Strong

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Great Message

Thank you for the strong, encouraging message on Sat/Sun Brother Monty! I love it when men stand for Christ and boldly proclaim what is what!

Two things to vote for in this election:

1. sanctity of life

2. protection of marriage

Makes it all pretty simple. Remember your vote counts in heaven brothers...
Stay Strong
Gal 6:9-10

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fall Back to Standard Time - Tonight!

Daylight Savings time will NOT affect Saturday night service, but it WILL effect Sunday morning! Don’t forget to ‘fall back’ an turn back your clock an hour this Saturday night when you go to bed!
You will get an extra hour to sleep in my friends. Use that time wisely as you will lose that hour in the spring again.

Get fired up for The Edge tonight at 6pm at Lamb's, sleep in a little longer and then hit one of the 3 unbelievable options for worship tomorrow: 8:00 am (classic), 9:15 am & 11:00 am (Lamb's Regular).

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Galatians Ch. 6 Recap

Unbelievable! That is what kind of group we have going on at the Grind on Tuesday nights. I am so pumped after spending time with you guys it is ... ridiculous.

Galatians 3:19 - 29
What, then, was the purpose of the law? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. The law was put into effect through angels by a mediator. A mediator, however, does not represent just one party; but God is one. Is the law, therefore, opposed to the promises of God? Absolutely not! For if a law had been given that could impart life, then righteousness would certainly have come by the law. But the Scripture declares that the whole world is a prisoner of sin, so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe. Before this faith came, we were held prisoners by the law, locked up until faith should be revealed. So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law. You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. (NIV)

We had a great discussion on the forbidden fruit syndrome. Why do those things that should be off-limits to us as believers seem all the more tempting? What would Jesus do...we know that He wouldn't be doing some of the stuff that we fall into --> that is for sure. Sometimes I wonder where did that come from? Where in the world is my will power? Then, I am thankful that my will power comes from the power of Christ.

Most of the study centered on God's it a good thing or a bad thing? What positive role does God's law play in our spiritual lives? Why is it so difficult for people who are mostly moral to believe that they fall short of God's perfect standard (Rom. 3:23)? Is there value in reading and studying the Old Testament? For answers to these and other questions that have us sharpening each'll have to join us at Tuesday Night Grind (Tuesdays, 6:45pm).

Have a great week men, stay strong and pray for the men of Lamb's!

Friday, October 24, 2008


I strongly encourage you to consider voting yes for proposition 8.

The California civil code already guarantees full rights for homosexual civil unions; proposition does not take away those rights.

However, if proposition 8 is NOT passed, our view and right to teach marriage as being the union between one man and one woman WILL be taken away.

The consequences of this would be very ugly and far reaching. Furthermore, the process by which California has now arrived at actually granting homosexual marriage licenses is a travesty – a perversion of the democratic process where imperial judges are overriding the ‘consent of the governed’ and imperiling our culture.

I encourage you to watch this video which explains some of the reasons for a ‘yes on 8’ vote in a pretty fair way.

I also encourage you to check out the website for further info.

My strongest encouragement to you is to vote YES on Prop 8. Protect marriage.

Saturday Night is Live @ Lamb's!

We went to the EDGE on Saturday and were totally blessed! What a great time it was to worship and be filled with God's Word on Saturday night.

The photo at right is almost exactly what the band looked like and people were all about praising God. It is actually Chris Tomlin in concert, but Tyler and the worship team were tight, Pastor John's message was right on the mark (as usual) and the atmosphere was awesome.

We'll be making the switch and inviting as many people as we can to come worship with us!

Tuesday AM Study: Week 2

Hey Guys!

Strong Arm, Weak Will
Samson: His triumphs pale against tragic choices.

Check your email for week two of the Tuesday 6:30 am bible study at Church led by Men's Ministry Leader Kerry Holmes.

This is a great study, part one was about Jacob and how God persistently blessed him despite Jacobs faults. Have faith in him and he will bless you.
Have a Great Week!!

Galatians Chapter 5 Recap

The Law and the Promise
What an awesome night of ridiculousness!

Most of us that came together this past week thought that we didn't understand much of this chapter, but God put us all on the same page. What a trip. One of the guys was kind of discouraged and even thought about quitting the study...he was just being ridiculous though (inside joke).

Galatians 3:10 - 18
Isn't great how God can give us understanding even though we don't even realize it? Is your walk filled with license or legalism?

A neat section of the study centered around a discussion about an image of a joy-filled Christ contrasted with the somber, rule-keeping nature of many Christians. What gives? Jesus was/is joy-filled and the joy-giver, why are we so, so, so bummed out? Remember the joy of your salvation? What happened to it? Let's get it back men and make it contagious to those others around us!

See you Tuesday Night (6:45pm) at the Grind!

Stay Strong

Friday, October 17, 2008

Galatians Ch. 4 Recap

Welcome George!

Looks like I will have to go back to Berean (shameless plug) and get some more will be my third trip as our group has now reached 10. Thanks to God for growing our group and adding to our number.
With urgency and intensity, the apostle Paul admonished believers in Galatia to remember the fundamental truth of Christianity: Just as we came to Christ by faithe alone, so now we walk with Him by faith alone. Religious works, no matter how great, do not merit approval from God.
Galatians 3:1-9

"Oh foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? - Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? Have you suffered so many things in vain - if indeed it was in vain? Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Just as Abraham "believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness." Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham. And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, "In you all the nations shall be blessed." So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham. (NKJV)

Paul used some pretty strong language to the Galatians to make a point that we need to reflect on today: who/what has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth?

What is getting in the way of you exercising your faith in Christ? Have you ever really thought about the love of Christ? If you have for any length of time, it is ridiculous to think that we can comprehend it.

Picture this, everyone that you come in contact with - you love. Not in a fleshy way that we look at love, but a deep abiding care and concern for each person that you come in contact with.

You want nothing more than to be your best for them, to put yourself out, to help them, and comfort them. You do not get to choose who or when or why.

It is love all the time for everyone, regardless of how you are treated, regardless of if you feel like it and regardless if you get it back (most times you won't) --- oh and then you get to die. Not of old age, but you will willingly lay down your life in the most horrific type of prolonged agony that you can imagine. Think any one of the latest horror flicks.

Oops, forgot one part, you do not get to choose who you are dying is for everyone equally, even your worst enemy.

What should our response to that kind of love be?

Follow the rules, don't drink, don't swear, go to church on Sunday, serve on a ministry team, keep our list of don'ts and our list of do's in order? How about love Him in return? How? Get in to His Word and He will show you. Just do not add anything to it and remember the JOY of your salvation!

Stay Strong

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Check out this video a small boy (18 - 24 months old?) preaching God and Jesus to a congregation of people. Kind of crazy, but this kid has so much joy in him. Just look at how he moves between his proclamations of "our God" and "Jesus".
Is this jibberish or does he know what he is doing? Do you hear the crowd and how they are clapping and cheering him on? What do you make of this? Is this joy?

At first, I thought this was nuts. Here is some preacher guys son walking around drooling on a microphone. But as I played it over and over, I realized something very strange. It was my Rob side that had a problem with this. It was Rob that thought it was weird, odd, strange. Then I sat back and let Jesus take over and realized that there was nothing more awesome than this little child of God proclaiming His name. It became joy to me, because I let Him in.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Galatians Ch. 3 Recap

Wow, two new brothers added to the Tuesday Night Grind! Well done...

Galatians 2:11 - 21

The non-Jewish Galatians had put their faith in Christ, but were subsequently being told that they must adhere to Jewish laws to insure God's approval. The apostle Peter (of all people!) added to the cornfusion by showing favoritism to the Jews.

Paul confronted and corrected Peter and reiterated that only Jesus can make us right (or justified) with God.

We spent some time discussing what it must have been like for Paul to confront Peter in front of everyone like that. We had some differing opinions on who would do it like that or how it should be done. We checked out Matthew 18:15 - 18 too.

There have always been those who feel that "too much emphasis on grace" encourages people to believe that they can live however they want. Is this a valid concern?

"Why do so many people have a hard time understanding and embracing Christ's actions on their behalf?", was a question that kicked off quite a good discussion. I am coming to an understanding that I do not really understand "love". I have been stuck on this for a few weeks now.

What compelled God so much to want a relationship with us that He would love us unconditionally and send His Son to die for us? Do we really understand love in His context? My feeble attempts to grasp what it would be like to have everyone truly and unconditionally love each other ... is mind boggling.
What would that look like?
Is that a picture of heaven?
If God is love, then everything He does for us is done with love and is about love. eh? He loves for no other reason than love. We / I love and do things for people in the name of love so that I can get something out of it. Most of the world, in my opinion, are not believers or followers of Christ, yet He loves. That is wild my friends, but that is our God!

Hope you all have a great week. Drop a line and respond to the blog when you get a chance.

Stay Strong,
Gal 6:9-10

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Fireproof (the movie) Your Marriage!

Check out this movie with your wife. Take her on a date, leave the kids at home and invest some time with her. We are called to be men of Christ, but this must start at home. Check out the trailer for the movie - make a date with her and just tell her that you want her to go with you. It will be one of the best times that you will have. The only theatre in the valley that this is playing out right now is Tower Plaza in Temecula. This independent film is from the makers of other great hits like "Facing the Giants" and "Flywheel". We need to support these films so that those who don't know the real love that we have can feel it through a cinematic experience. I am taking DeAnne tonight (10/4). A review will follow.

Friday, October 3, 2008


So good to hear about all of our unique faith stories that were shared last Tuesday. Awesome that no one can tell us that God has not done anything for us -- for we live with and for His changes everyday!

The discussion about Paul's testimony (v.15) revealing something about God's grace and mercy was AWESOME. If He know every hair on our head before we are conceived, why did God allow Saul to persecute His followers and then convert him to Paul? God has some kind of patience.

How zealous are you? Have you lost your passion for Christ, how can you get it back? I shared some tough things that I had been reading in Crazy Love regarding Lukewarm Christians. Francis Chan believes that this saying "Lukewarm Christian" is an oxymoron. Revelation 3:15-18, Jesus says:

I know that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, "I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing." But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white robes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

Tough words for sure. We attempted to examine what zealousness is. But maybe it our modern understanding of lukewarm that needs correction. Jesus is saying to the church that because they are lukewarm, He is going to spit them out of His mouth. There is no gentle rendering of the word spit in Greek. This is the only time it is used in the New Testament, and it connotes gagging, hurling, retching. Many people read this passage and assume Jesus is speaking to saved people. Why?

When you read this passage, do you naturally conclude that to be "spit" out of Jesus' mouth means you're a part of His kingdom? When you read the words "wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked," do you think that He was describing saints? When He counsels them to "buy white clothes to wear" in order to cover their "shameful nakedness," does it sound like advice for those already saved? (Crazy Love, Francis Chan, pgs. 84-85)

Some things to ponder for sure ... until next week!

Stay Strong
Gal 6:9-10


Friday, September 26, 2008

Have You Ever Wondered If We Are Missing It?

A friend of mine turned me on to this book by Francis Chan. He has an amazing story and this one will turn you up-side-down.

Here is a few snippets:

I get nervous when I think of how we've missed who we are supposed to be, and sad when I think about how we're missing out on all that God wants for the people that He loved enough to die for.

I haven't always felt this way. I grew up believing in God without having a clue what He is like. I called myself a Christian, was pretty involved in church, and tried to stay away from all of the things that "good Christians" avoid - drinking, drugs, sex, swearing. Christianity was simple: fight your desires in order to please God. Whenever I failed (which was often), I'd walk around feeling guilty and distant from God. In hindsight, I don't think my church's teachings were incorrect, just incomplete. My view of God was narrow and small. (Preface, pg. 20)

What if I said, "stop praying"? What if I told you to stop talking at God for a while, but instead to take a long, hard look at Him before you speak another word? Solomon warned us not to rush into God's presence with words. That's what fools do. And often, that's what we do. (Ch 1, pg. 25)

Go here now: & check out the awe factor of God video...left me, my wife and son absolutely speechless.

Definitely a must read.

Thanks Eric

Galatians Chapter 1 Recap


Galatians 1:1-9

Paul, an apostle (not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead), and all the brethren who are with me, To the churches of Galatia: Grace and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory forever and ever amen. I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. (NKJV)

So as we discussed the first week in the preview, Paul is really ticked off that the churches have allowed a perversion to the gospel that he preached to them. So mad in fact that he says let him be accursed -- who preaches any other gospel!

Check out the simple gospel that Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4! Also on page six, Lucado throws this down:

"What is it then, that God wants us to do? What is the work he seeks? Just believe. Believe the ONE He sent. The work God wants you to do is this: believe the ONE He sent (John 6:29 NCV).

Next week: Lesson Two, Defending the Gospel....see you at Tuesday Night Grind, Tues. 6:45pm.

Time to Get Real?

I have been thinking much about the opportunity to FAST as laid out by Pastor John and I am IN. I know...what, so you're not going to eat and stuff? No, not that way. I believe that true fasting is just that, simply (not really) not eating for period of time to cleanse the mind and body and focus on Christ. Since, I am not sure that I can really do it that way, Pastor John has presented us an opportunity to give something up for Christ and focus on praying and seeking His will. This is what I am in for. Pastor John had this to say in the recent enewletter:

A few weeks ago I asked you to consider joining me and thousands of other Christians in California for a 40 day period of fasting and prayer for our nation and our communities. The fast is from September 24th to November 2nd. If you didn’t get to start on Wednesday, jump in now! Let’s fast and pray together; I am fasting from coffee and watching the news on TV. What might you fast from? As we fast, let’s pray together for: the elections; Proposition 8 to be passed, for our community to elect godly local council members, for our church’s launch of two additional services, and for the lost in our community to be saved. Join me at The Call prayer rally in San Diego on November 1st by registering at .

So, check this out. I really need your prayers and support as I embark on my own fast of drinking anything but water over the next 40 days, starting today 9/26/08 at 12pm. Most who know me, know that I am addicted to coffee and carbonated beverages, so this will be quite a sacrifice for me. However, I believe through this process I will become closer to Christ and His presence in my life as I continue to pray for help to stay away from these types of products.

For you, it may be something different. Please put me down for some prayer in this area as I try to focus on His will for me and do some cleansing of my own. If you want to join me in this in some way, just respond to this post and I will add you to my prayer list.

Stay Strong

Gal 6:9-10


Thursday, September 18, 2008

What Up with Your World?

Wow, it seems like so much is going on these days and the world is spinning so much faster and faster...can I get off for a while?

This fast paced life can leave us wanting more: more downtime, more time off, more family time, and hopefully more God time. I have been noticing for the past few months how my attitude toward things of this world has been changing. Thank God. However, I would not have been able to notice if I hadn't slowed my own world down a bit.

Ever notice that when you stop to wonder about why things are so crazy - you actually have the power to slow everything down! Then, if you actually pray about getting some relief from the hectic activity -- God brings peace.
Check this out...
So when I try to control it all, it gets crazier; when I give control to the ONE who already has it, it provides peace. Weird.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the PEACE OF GOD, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ." (emphasis added, Phil 4:6-7, NKJV)
What do you think?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Galatians Begins Tuesday Sept. 16!

Hey Guys,
I went with Galatians over Ephesians, but also found some awesome other studies that I will be posting on this here blogspot so that we can vote for upcoming studies. I have also started to put up some great reading with a biblical/historical perspective as you can see from the last post.

The Galatians Study will be just like the Colossians one. We decided that Luke- A - doo was pretty good at bringing up questions that make us go - hmmmm. It also gave us some great conversation starters so that we could form a base friendship to build on as we move through this guy group thang.

Remember, we are hanging at the Grind now. The show starts around 6:45pm and goes until it goes. Drop in and out whenever you can - there will always be somebody there to hang out with.

This week, I have (or will have) prepared a short introduction to Galatians and hopefully will have all the books to hand out. I had to order a few so I am hoping that they come in before Tuesday night. If they do not, I will photocopy the first session and have the books for the following week.

Stay Strong

The Search for the Twelve Apostles

Ever wonder what happened to the guys who followed Jesus? Those 12 men who took up the cross and answered His call? Where did they go and what did they do after Jesus' resurrection and ascension? This book totally caught my eye as I went to collect the new study books for the Tuesday Night Galatians Study (Lucado) at Berean. I had to buy it and so far can highly recommend it.

Simon Peter, Andrew, James the son of Zebedee, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Jude, Simon, Judas Iscariot and Matthias were the men who went into the world and proclaimed Christ to all they came in contact with. Picking up where the book of Acts leaves off, Dr. William Steuart McBirnie brings these men to life as he explores the 12 and others who built the foundation of Christianity. I expect a great read from "The Search" and to gain more insight into these 12 men that changed the world by living out what Jesus taught them in His short time on earth.

Here is an excerpt:

"Of course, there were some disappointments. For example, the body of John is today no where to be found. I entered his tomb in Ephesus long ago. Recently, after many centuries of neglect, the authorities have sealed it and covered it with a marble floor. Though John's body has disappeared some parts of the bones of all the other apostles are believed to exist, and I have seen them."

"I had made twenty-six journeys to Jerusalem before learning that the head of James the Elder, several arm bones of James the Just, and part of the skull of John the Baptist are held in veneration in two churches there. And, I might add, with some strong historical records as to their authenticity."

"This is not, however, a book about bones. It is about living people who were described by Paul as founders of the churches (see Ephesians 2:19, 20). We are interested in apostolic bones because they are possible clues as to the whereabouts of the ministry and places of martyrdom of the twelve." (Preface, pg. viii)

Grab a copy and read through this one with me?

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Cross?

What an outstanding message last Sunday. I particularly loved the part where Pastor Ryan made the statement that the cross is not something to be glorified in and of itself. In fact, the Cross is an instrument of torture and death! The only thing to glorify about the cross is the selfless act that Jesus did on it when he died there. That selfless act, put forward for all mankind, was the glory. The Cross is only a symbol, not the Savior.

Send me your feedback and thoughts...

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Tuesday Night Grind

This group meets on Tuesday Nights at 6:45pm at It's A Grind in Murrieta. We are currently completing the book of Proverbs and will be talking about Chapters 21 - 25 this week.

For those of you wondering what in the world we got going on Tuesday nights, the rules of engagement are below:

  • No one is the expert, we all are allowed to say not so smart things. Bring your bible so that we can all back each other up.
  • Man Code Issues: any issues related to a person's personal life situation that does not leave the group and is not shared outside the group. This is enforced by repeatedly yelling "MAN CODE" in a hushed tone.
  • Friend Finding: didn't want to use relationship, because that scares men away.
  • Faith Building: iron sharpens iron, we are not always iron, but we do sharpen each other.
  • Prayer Time: We open and close in prayer and take prayer requests for the week.
  • Bible Study: This time is really built on what God lays on our hearts to discuss. Its light, casual, friendly (see first bullet point). One of the best times we had was in Colossians during the Forgiveness portion of the study... I still think we haven't finished that one yet.

In Paul's letter to the Romans, he wrote..."I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong - that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith." (Romans 1:11-12, NKJV) ... that is really what we do. Discuss biblical stuff so that we can be mutually encouraged.

We all have something to bring to the table to share to encourage each other in this thing called life. Come on and try us out.

Feel free to email me at or contact me at 951.830.2518.

Rob Johnson

Father - Son Olympics = Great Time

Dillon and I hit the 2nd Olympiad Games yesterday and had a great
time. So good to see so many guys out with their kids! Bob Gideon
has partnered with All Pro Dads to put on some really fun events over the past
two years - if you missed this one, the Father/Daughter Event is coming in

One of the best parts, besides the pentathalon, was the message short but important message that Steve Solarzano (sp?) touched on --- what legacy are we leaving our boys/kids? That really hit home for me. It got me thinking about the following:
  • How do I react when things don't go so well?
  • How am I modeling how to treat women (in my interactions with my wife)?
  • Is money important to me?
  • Do my kids "catch me" reading/studying my bible?
  • Am I spending enough time praying with them and teaching them about Jesus?

Phew...I know that I need to do a much better job in this area. Thankfully, God knows all the more and will be by my side to remind me to not wait for "teachable moments", but to model 24/7.

"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." Galations 6:9-10 (ESV)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Are You Cornfused?

Hey Guys,

We are working on our PM Study right now, going through Proverbs 5 chapters each week. It is amazing what God's Word can point out in our lives. We talked this past week about how easy it is to see where OTHERS need correction, but how difficult it is to swallow some of those things that you know God is directing at you.

We will be meeting one more time on Wednesday night (8/27/08) at 7pm at the Church in the Joshua Room (right across from the Youth Room) and then we are moving back to Tuesday nights, 6:45pm, @ It's A Grind (Village Walk Shopping Center - off Jefferson/Kalmia) starting on (Tuesday, 9/2/08). If you want more info feel free to email me at

Upcoming information will be posted when the AM group gets rolling again too.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Hey Guys,

Check it out a man-code area just for us. Of course, I would not put anything that has been added to the "man-code" here, because it is not protected! I thought we needed a spot to share some stuff, talk about other stuff, put some stuff and such...well here it is.

I hope that Pastor John will allow us to put a link to this blogspot to the Lambs webpage, but if not we will just have to make it word of mouth. You can send me email to my man-code address at

for posting or information that you would like to share.

First things first, this is first and foremost to be a site for all men of The Lamb's Fellowship. This is a spot where we can communicate between different groups and different leaders. Right now, we have two bible studies:
  • Tuesdays, 6:30 am -- meets at church
  • Tuesdays, 7:00pm -- this group moved for the Jr. High Program & now meets for the time being on Wednesdays at 7:00pm at the Church

We do want our Tuesday night group back, so we most likely will be moving back to Tuesdays, just need to find a suitable location.

I would like to post pix with names of the guys who attend each bible study, because I think it is important that we start saying hello to each other to stay connected. We are all part of the same church and often times feel disconnected or forget each others' names due to our two service times and two bible study times.

The Tuesday AM study is lead by the Men's Ministry Leader, Kerry Holmes ( and our current Wednesday PM facilitator is Gregg Fosgett/Rob Johnson.

The Tuesday AM group is about to kick off again and the Wednesday PM will be following with the same study, so if you can't make the mornings come join us at night. The PM group is currently working its way through the book of Proverbs with the following schedule in place:

  • 8/20/08 Read Proverbs 11-15 and be ready to discuss anything that you find that you would like to share
  • 8/28/08 Read Proverbs 16 - 20
  • 9/4/08 Read Proverbs 21 - 25
  • 9/11/08 Read Proverbs 26 - 30

If the AM group kicks off a new study, the PM group will put aside finishing Proverbs and jump right in.

Stay Strong (Gal 6:9-10)
