I have been thinking much about the opportunity to FAST as laid out by Pastor John and I am IN. I know...what, so you're not going to eat and stuff? No, not that way. I believe that true fasting is just that, simply (not really) not eating for period of time to cleanse the mind and body and focus on Christ. Since, I am not sure that I can really do it that way, Pastor John has presented us an opportunity to give something up for Christ and focus on praying and seeking His will. This is what I am in for. Pastor John had this to say in the recent enewletter:
A few weeks ago I asked you to consider joining me and thousands of other Christians in California for a 40 day period of fasting and prayer for our nation and our communities. The fast is from September 24th to November 2nd. If you didn’t get to start on Wednesday, jump in now! Let’s fast and pray together; I am fasting from coffee and watching the news on TV. What might you fast from? As we fast, let’s pray together for: the elections; Proposition 8 to be passed, for our community to elect godly local council members, for our church’s launch of two additional services, and for the lost in our community to be saved. Join me at The Call prayer rally in San Diego on November 1st by registering at www.thecall.com .
So, check this out. I really need your prayers and support as I embark on my own fast of drinking anything but water over the next 40 days, starting today 9/26/08 at 12pm. Most who know me, know that I am addicted to coffee and carbonated beverages, so this will be quite a sacrifice for me. However, I believe through this process I will become closer to Christ and His presence in my life as I continue to pray for help to stay away from these types of products.
For you, it may be something different. Please put me down for some prayer in this area as I try to focus on His will for me and do some cleansing of my own. If you want to join me in this in some way, just respond to this post and I will add you to my prayer list.
Stay Strong
Gal 6:9-10
I saw your blog that mentioned Prop 8, and I appreciated it. I too feel the need to share my thoughts on this issue. Prop 8 isn't an issue about "rights". It is about preserving the definition of "marriage" as between a man and a woman. Gay people can do what they want, and they can even enjoy many civil benefits through civil unions and the such. But that isn't marriage. Gay people should be treated with kindness and respect, like anyone. Gay people aren't the issue here nor the problem. The problem is that 4 arrogant judges in black robes sitting in their ivory tower overturned the express will of a clear majority of California citizens when they ruled by fiat and illegally legislated from the bench when they unilaterally redefined marriage. Prop 8 allows the citizens of California to say no to Judicial Activism and Judicial Tyranny. There are elements of the judiciary that are way out of control and are endangering the balance of power in our republic by getting involved in "legislating". This has got to stop. Voting yes on Prop 8 will help put those elitist judges back in their place and let them know they cannot arrogantly overule the will of the people in a matter as fundamental to the future of civilization as the bedrock institution of marriage. That is something important enough that it should not be left to 4 elitist judges to impose by fiat.
ReplyDeleteHere is what I have been saying to a few friends who are gay: May I speak a word to just those of you who are my gay friends, neighbors, coworkers, and fellow-countrymen. You are a minority and I'm sure you recognize that. And that is ok. But please show kindness and tolerance for the rest of us and vote with us to help preserve marriage as between a man and a woman. I know you may not have any personal parochial interest in voting yes on Prop 8. But as your friend and neighbor, I'm asking for your vote to help preserve the definition of this institution that is so important. Thank you.