In the workings of the NOBAG tribe, one dude, Kenny, claims to be directing the game. This reminds me how often I believe that I am directing my own game. I control this or that and only I can get me, or us, out of whatever jam we are in. Then something else happens, something completely out of my control, and I am stymied by the fact that I cannot control it. Kenny realized this week, as another player, Sugar, gave up her immunity idol to Matty and completely changed Kenny's game - for the worse. Does Kenny have a hidden immunity idol to change the game back in his favor? No. Do we? Yes.
Unfortunatley for me, I often play Jesus as a hidden immunity idol - instead of using Him first, I use my own, often frustrating ways, to solve complex issues that sometimes do not work out for the best. Then, I remember that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".
We should be wearing our immunity idol, JESUS, out in the open and sharing it with all who we come in contact. This is a struggle for most of us because the world demands that we act according to it and that we are our own best savior. I am continually switching my mindset to rely on Christ and not of my own good works, lest I can boast.
Stay Strong
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