I did however start noticing some rips on Christianity. And, as subtle as the are attempting to be - it is really starting to bother me. Each episode has a multitude of story lines and things that go on during the day with different characters. The past few weeks has focused on a storyline between a supposed Christian character (Angela), who is engaged to be married to one person (Andy), while have an affair with another (Dwight).

If that is not bad enough, the office Christmas party is set to an Arabian Nights theme and Phyllis, the party chairperson, walks around the office and has Angela take down all the decorations that do not match the theme. The first to go is Angela's nativity scene that is on her desk. Phyllis says that she can keep a few camels, one of the wiseman and then shoves the rest of it in a drawer of Angela's desk. Angela's response in one of anger at the fact that Baby Jesus was tossed into a desk. So, she is more angry at the fact that Phyllis threw a wooden baby Jesus into a desk drawer than her own sin of having an affair.
These are chips at Christianity. It is ok to be a Christian and have an affair, but don't mess with my nativity scene! I know it is just a show, but the portrayal of "the Christian" continues to be one of great hypocrisy. This episode just struck me for some reason and I started seeing all the shots taken on Christianity. So, Christians are not different or called to be set apart, we just wallow in the same garbage as everyone else AND have a chip on our shoulder that we are saved...that was the message that I received.
We need to stop fooling ourselves that God can be lead around. He is not something that we can control. He is the creator and Savior! For while we are yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Unfortunately, the portrayal of "the Christian" tends to be quite accurate. I'm not an Office watcher, but I don't think the show was intentionally getting their digs on Christianity, just writing, an all too true, reality.
ReplyDeleteHow often do we see or participate in this very behavior? As long as I look like a Christian on the outside. I go to church every Sunday. I carry a bible with my laptop. Yet, at times, the behavior we display, whether visible or invisible to others, we would not do in the physical presence of our Savior.
You're right. We need to stop fooling ourselves. We need to let our light shine, not only before men externally, but internally as well.
So, don't be bothered by a show, displaying reality, but the fact that it is reality.
May God give us more strength to share the real truth of Jesus, verses the perception of a Christian. We might be the only bible someone reads.