Brutal as it was, the week that is, the weekend was super! My kids ran in the Cougar Run at E. Hale Curran and did quite awesome. Despite it being one of the hottest days of the year, as usual for the Cougar Run, both of them ran over 2 miles! It was great to see both of them trying their best and coming by for a squirt of the water bottle...I had squirting duties. One of the first people that I ever met at Curran, while we were waiting with our boys on first day of school, Diane Keegan remarked, "I cannot believe that this is our 5th Cougar Run already". We both kind of freaked out that our kids are getting so old, which just makes us older! This is Dillon (far left) with a couple of his buddies from the run...

McKenna played in her second EVER soccer game. During practice she asked if she could be goalie...in a recap of her first game ever - she scored a goal! Now, she thinks she can tackle playing keeper! This girl is nails. In her first game EVER in goal, she stoned the only two shots on goal and pitched a shut out over the second half of the game - not allowing a single goal. Not bad for U8, where some kids score from mid field cause the other team is picking dandelions...
The best part of her playing goalie was that she had to stop her own player from shooting on her during a "one on one" situation - good thing I was screaming at the kid to NOT shoot! The next best thing was when I yelled at her to "get ready" and she immediately bent her knees and put her hands (palms out) in the ready position to block the shot that never came!
Guys, I have come to truly realize that this is what IT is all about...love your wife and kids now -- really hard and for as long as you can - because they are growing up sooooooo fast!
What was your weekend like? Was it super?
Stay Strong!
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