Thanks for another great night guys! It is so awesome to have a group like this, where men can meet together and openly discuss our desires to walk with Christ. He has provided all that we can ever need. His example to us of how we should be living in this world without being of this world should have priority in all that we do. I pray (for me and you) that we would continue to hold Paul's message to the Galatians tightly -- that nothing else needs to be added to the Gospel. As Chapter 5 tells us "it is for freedom that Christ has set us free". With that simple statement from verse one, Paul goes on to remind us that we should "Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery". I pray that this will be true for us
daily.Let's continue to seek after Him as our only example and pray for one another daily to be built into His image and that He will be our stength.
Most of you have seen that I sign off with "stay strong", which I attribute to one of my favorite verses - Galations 6:9-10. "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."
The Tuesday night group will be embarking on a new study, one which will challenge who we are as men versus who we should be in Christ. It will test our ability to see how little compromises against His will put us in harm's way. I am really excited about growing closer to Christ through this study, not only in my daily walk with Him, but in my relationship with my brothers, family and with those who need to here the Gospel according to Him.

Leaning into a Hail of Bullets will showcase a few of the temptations that we face as men in our daily lives. We will be taking on challenging subjects that threaten our jobs, marriages / relationships, and family. If you have ever been stopped in your tracks by one of these thoughts:
If I change just one number on my tax return...the hotel bill doesn't list movies by name...if she keeps looking at me like that... -- you need to join us!
Tuesday night is for getting real. The atmosphere is open to share or not, the guys are real guys, with real struggles, in real situations. We come together to provide a secure environment to challenge each other, to encourage one another and to pray for each other.
Stay Stong, my brothers.
you can find more information about the study here: BioA freelance writer with three decades in youth ministry, Tim McLaughlin has his hands in many cool projects a as contributor, co-author or author: ~ Creative Bible Lessons in Galatians & Philippians (Youth Specialties) ~ The student devotional Fed Up (Transit/Thomas Nelson)~ Most of the books in the Real-Life Stuff for Men series (NavPress)~ Contributor, Mission: Africa (Thomas Nelson).