Monday, October 19, 2009

Jesus...its just that easy.

I changed jobs recently and am also attending Rockbridge Seminary furthering my education by obtaining a Masters in Ministry Leadership - along with Dillon playing baseball and McKenna doing Gymnastics Level 3 - we have much going on in our lives right now...

I have been taking a course on evangelism and have noticed some buzz words entering the ministry world like: organic, transparent, missional. It always amazes me that we need to try and put "new" labels on age old ideas. Is it so that we can seem smarter than everyone else or is it so that we can try and put a fresh spin on the Gospel?

It seems to me that if we continue to be disciples of Christ - which in my opinion is different than being or calling oneself a Christian or believer - we will continue to be organic, transparent and missional - because Jesus was the originator of all of these things. Let's keep it simple...
Dillon spotted this shirt the other day and we ended up buying it for him...Jesus, It's just that easy.

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