Thursday, February 18, 2010
New Adventures
Monday, December 28, 2009
2009 Closing Out...

God has done some remarkable things in my life and this year has been no different. He has blessed me with an ubelieveable wife and family, placed me in a sweet position in a nearby municipality and surrounded me with some good brothers that keep me accountable and digging in to His word.
Here is what has happened in the last 6 months alone:
1) I moved jobs from Corona DWP to the City of Menifee. Instead of managing 35 people for a Water Department, I work for the City Manager and do not supervise anyone. The adjustment has been great - trading a 30 mile one way commute for 7.5 and worrying just about one person - me. My plate is now full with what I must accomplish and get done, instead of working to insure that all of my staff are accomplishing the bits and pieces that make up the bulk of the work. It is a different mind set now, when I look around to see who can assist me to accomplish my goals, the mirror is the only thing I see.
2) I started and have taken three courses - back to back to back - at Rockbridge Seminary and am on my way to a Master's in Ministry Leadership. It has been a good change of pace for me, but also difficult to manage my time between work, school and my first love and ministry: my family. They have been so supportive, mostly because I wait until the kids are in bed and then am up most of the night reading, studying, and writing papers. I am taking a little break from school though with a much needed semester off.
3) The Men's Ministry has expanded to include two weeknight studies of varying degrees. Tuesday night is moving through Books of the Bible, reading and fellowshipping and praying. We even added guitar worship to kick it off each week. Usually a group of 15-20 guys meet each week. Thursday nights is a more in-depth study using the Bible and a companion piece to dig into Scripture. It requires at least 2 hours of "homework" each week and has just finished up a study through Genesis.
4) 1st Saturday of the month Men's Breakfasts have been great...we average 25 guys in attendance and have been focusing on self-discipleship and what that means. Come join us - 7am each 1st Saturday of the month at The Lamb's Fellowship.
5) About 2 months ago Ric McNair came alongside me in ministry and wanted to serve the guys on Tuesday nights by facilitating the study. We worked and connected side by side until I felt God's call to move Ric right in. He will now be hosting and facilitating Tuesday nights - I have new duties at work which conflict on 1st/3rd Tuesdays so it is good to have one guy step in and keep it all together.
What is coming in the new year? A host of new opportunities to engage the men of Lamb's in fellowship and to serve others. I have been working on an idea for quite some time and am soon to be announcing what God has been moving me to do. I am excited and a little unsure, but feel that I must continue to follow what God places on my heart.
I hope and pray that you would be continued to move toward Him and to develop your relationship with Jesus into deeper territory.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Mens Camp Out

So much fun - about 40 total guys/sons spent the night at our favorite hang out - the Sheffield's (awesomest hosts ever!) in La Cresta.
Jesus...its just that easy.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Unmerited Favor Explosion

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Cmon join the twitterati!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Mens Breakfast August 1

What an awesome time hanging out with you today...just a bit of recap for those of you that could not make it. I received a very strong message from God this past week and wanted to share it this morning...concerning our Men's Ministry and me personally.
Psalm 1
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight in in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.
Phew, here are some bullet points from my brief message this morning:
- At work and parts of my life I am walking in the counsel of the wicked -- need to stop, not sure how to do it without leaving my current job - pray as I seek to do that soon - as spending 12 hours a day in that environment is dragging me down.
- I want to delight in the law of the Lord --> need to be in the word daily...not just lip service. Brother Dave hooked me up with Youversion for my iPhone & I immediately added it to my home screen.
- I want to meditate on his word day and night --> again with the being in the word - DAILY
- I want to be like the tree planted by the streams of water: create shade for others, produce fruit and be used to build things for Christ!
- Psalmist talks about two ways with no middle ground: way of the wicked & way of the righteous -- glad to be part of the way of the righteous now need to live daily like I am.
- Wicked will not stand in the judgment as they will not be able to withstand God's wrath - thank you Jesus that you called me to come follow you.
- So, where are you today? Are you going to stand firm in Christ like that tree by the stream of water? Are you going to produce shade and provide comfort, fruit and be used for God's purposes?
- James 1:22-25; 1 John 2:15-17; Galatians 6:9-10
Stay Strong and as Kirk Franklin says - GO!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
New Genesis Study: Thursday, August 6th!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Tuesday Nights are en fuego!

While discussing the intro to James, we talked about the book being:
(1) a "how to" book of / for the Christian life
(2) one of the most practical books of the NT: offers instruction & exhortation to Christians who are experiencing problems.
James speaks of prejudice, improper speech, judging one another, leaving God out of our plans and even bitterness .... already had two great weeks of discussion!
The recipients are the 12 tribes and from Nelson's Compact Commentary this is defined as:
- Jewish / Christians living outside of Palestine
- Most of which seem to have been poor & suffering from oppression by fellow Jews
- Some of them had been imprisoned & deprived of possessions & livelihood
- Under these conditions, they fell into worldliness, fought amongst each other, favored the rich over the poor & lost their original love for one another
- If works = natural result of faith
- If we truly believe, we would act on belief
- We need to get out lives in line with what we believe...
Join on Tuesday night at RJ's Sizzlin Steer (6:45pm) week chapter 3