How is love shown? Think for a moment about the devastation of God's heart when He sent His son to die on the cross, knowing there was no other way to bridge the gap between fallen man and Him. His perfect design had taken on so much sin that He had every right to wipe it out and start all over again. He didn't. I know, He is God and He can handle anything. But if we are created in His image, with a heart like His - to feel all emotions, like Jesus did, it must still be difficult for Him to fathom the sacrifice He made for us - and yet we continue in our own sin.
If we could just understand what love is. If we would stop ourselves in the midst of our confusion, frustration, anger, disappointment, bitterness, anger, rage, disillusionment -- in effect "get over ourselves" -- could we realize what love is? Sound too girly for you? Then I think you haven't spent enough time trying to digest who God is and how He could LOVE us so much. It is actually ridiculous.
Some of us want to push it all away. We think that we are not worthy and can never be, but He has made a way for us. He has put that way in our path. If we truly seek Him, He will show us the way and that way is Jesus. We all need to stop running from the fact that Jesus is the Way, Truth and the Life; stop the lip service and get active! Dig a little deeper would you? Put all that "stuff" from life away and sit alone and ponder -- really think and digest God's love.
We have a thirst for knowledge, so most of us dig into God's word for understanding. We want that knowledge of scripture so that we can know more, feel more confident in what God's word says - then we will know how to be that perfect Christian, yah right. If only I spent more time alone with my Bible in my "daily" quiet time, I would be a better man, husband, father, friend, businessperson, relative, etc., etc., etc. We are missing the point.
The way to become more like Christ is to let Him control the change of our hearts. Love is a condition of the heart, not of the mind. It is the fact that love conquers all. It heals all. The example of God putting aside His desire for us to become more like Him through a set of laws and sending Himself, as Jesus, to be our primary focus for life here so that we can have everylasting life with Him -- is astounding. The end result should be that we put ourselves aside and become more like the One who He sent to us. If we are so willing to set everything aside for knowledge of His scripture, but do not let it affect our hearts and mold us into becoming more like Him, we have missed the mark. We need to let go and allow Jesus to take over.
I know, it is very easy to say this stuff and very hard at times to focus on this, but this is what is required of us as believers. We need to allow scripture, the life of Jesus and our prayers to shape us into people who are unselfish - people who would put others before us. We are to be an example as a people (you and me) and a church to the rulers and authorities in the heavely realms of God's manifold wisdom, according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord (my paraphrasing of Eph. 4:10-11). It is hard and we cannot always do what is required of us - I get that, but we need to get over ouselves and get out of the way, because through Christ we can.
If you have received Christ, you have accepted that God sent His son to die, not only for you, but for everyone who still might not believe, as well as our fellow brothers and sisters. In Acts 15:8-9, Peter addressed the Apostles and elders as they met to consider the idea that those who are uncircumcized cannot be saved and said this:
"God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us. He made no distinction between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith."
That includes all those who call on the name of Jesus to be saved, regardless of whether we 'like' them or not. Just because someone doesn't believe the way that I do, or has a slightly different interpretation of scripture than I do, or dresses differently, or has a different income, or better hair, or background or whatever. Jesus died for them too! When we were baptized, we showed an outward symbol of an inward belief to all who would witness our submission, our heart was purified by faith in Jesus. The purification of our heart should provide us with the ability to love...everyone, as Christ loves us. Shoot, sometimes I cannot believe that God loves me, but I know by the grace of Him, who sent His son to die for me - that he has given me an unmeasureable amount of grace.
I believe that the grace given to me demands a response. The only response I believe that it demands is to love Him. However, if I love Him and not anyone else, I have failed. Remember the words of James?
"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be (James 3:10-11 - emphasis mine).
Yes, I struggle with this. Yes, I want to be more like Christ and I am asking that he change this in me. This is real stuff about how a real God, through His real Son that came and died for us ALL, can help this guy continue to learn to love. The love comes when I let Jesus reign and not Rob.
This is what we should be fighting for, this is what real men who are seeking God's heart should be actively pursuing. So when we study scripture and gain all that knowledge about how we can be a better Christian - let the words sink into our heart - so that He can continue to make the change to produce a people worthy of our calling. I am still working on getting over myself, because what I want is really not that important...but what Jesus wants is for me to love.
Stay Strong